Thursday, October 22, 2015

happy birthday

So today marks a year since I started this blog and even though this is the absolute worst thing for me to be doing right now because I have a midterm tomorrow, two papers due at the beginning of next week, and I'm going to be in Boise, ID all weekend, I thought I'd commemorate this blessed day.

When I first made this blog, I honestly figured that I would write maybe 3 or 4 posts and then forget that it existed. But as it turns out, I have a lot of feelings and opinions and I've now been at it for a whole year and have published about 24 posts.

This is post 25. Happy birthday to me.

I really want to thank all of you who have continuously read my ramblings and put up with my imperfect opinions. The truth is sometimes I just really need an outlet. And clearly the best way to channel your thoughts and feelings is to put them on the internet for anyone to read. But it's really taught me a lot about my own vulnerability.

If you haven't watched it before, I strongly suggest that you watch Brené Brown's TED talk on vulnerability. In her talk, she describes the power of vulnerability and the power in embracing it. Vulnerability is often equated to weakness. When we are vulnerable, we are exposed and susceptible to damage. But we are also strong and free.

Despite contrary belief, vulnerability is not weakness. Sometimes, we may feel that way, but we have to recognize the strength it takes to become vulnerable. Exposing yourself and your weaknesses is hard and requires a lot of courage. We don't want to open ourselves up because it means we can be easily targeted and harmed. But putting on a tough outer shell never makes you stronger inside. You have to endure the damage that vulnerability can entail and heal from it in order to truly be strong. And to do that, you have to embrace to the possibility of being wounded.

There have been many times while writing posts that I stop part way through to decide whether it's truly worth finishing. In fact, I have about three drafts waiting in my cue, partially written and left to collect dust. But writing and publishing my thoughts has been more fulfilling than I could have imagined. None of my posts have hit the big time, but being able to hear and read responses to my thoughts and my words has been an incredible experience. It's amazing to see both positive and negative feedback. It's insane that people even want to read my silly musings. Insane and surreal.

So I want to propose a challenge to all of you lovely and enduring readers. If there is something you want to do, something you want to say, just do it. Nike's had it right all along. Don't hesitate. Embrace your vulnerability. Try something new. Develop a new talent. Or learn that you're really bad at whatever it is. You'll truly never know until you try.

So thank you. For putting up with me, for clicking the silly little Facebook link, for reading what I have to say. I'm so glad I was able to say it to you. And I'm so glad you gave me the opportunity to be vulnerable. Because "to feel this vulnerable, means I'm alive" (Brené Brown, 2010). 


  1. THANK YOU AMBER. Thank you for taking a stand, for using your voice.. all and all, thank you for being you. :)
