It's incredible to think that just 26 letters in the English language can be combined in infinite patterns with infinite meanings. With the same letters you can tell someone "I love you" or "O evil you" which is a really silly example. But 8 letters when rearranged can have entirely different meanings. So it just makes sense that we should put a lot of care into the way we organize them.
And we have the power to use words every day of our lives. We are able to shape the world around us by the way we rearrange a compilation of 26 characters. And we forget that we have this power. We take it for granted and we misuse it. And sometimes we don't use it at all.
Silence can often be even more powerful than words themselves. And sometimes in silence we lose the power we could have had.
The power of silence is that it allows for thought. When we are constantly talking, we allow little time for us to think about what we are saying. I've been known to ramble, especially when I feel uncomfortable. In these times I lose sight of my thought process and just allow words to escape without full acknowledgement of what I may be saying. If I were to be more silent in these times, I could conjure up words that I really want to say. Words with more meaning and strength, rather than incomplete or incoherent notions which poured out of my mouth before I knew what I was doing. Silence also gives the listener time to think. Just imagine if we felt more comfortable with silence, how much more meaningful our interactions would be. We could think more clearly and communicate more efficiently.
Yet, we find ourselves struggling to allow silence. We have to be constantly engaged and active in our interactions. We've deemed silence as "awkward." Some people feel so uncomfortable with these silences that they choose to break them, even if they aren't adding anything meaningful. We destroy the silence to make ourselves feel more comfortable in the moment, when we could be allowing the silence to continue to improve our future.
Because the truth is silence can be so healing. It gives us time to compose ourselves and come to terms with whatever we may be dealing with. It allows us to think clearly and organize our thoughts. But it can also be damaging. There always comes a point in time when silence needs to be broken. And often we get to that point and we shut down. We allow the silence to continue for longer than we should and this can be dangerous.
The more negative side of silence's power is the time it allows us to dwell on our thoughts. Yes, it can heal, but it can also hurt. And when we are given too much time to think about certain things, we can end up coming to stressful conclusions. Its incredible how silence, the absence of noise which is essentially nothing at all, can fill up a room and cause us to suffocate.
And when we are the one's elongating the silence, we are giving up our power. We are allowing other individuals to interpret our thoughts and feelings. Essentially we are handing over the power our words could have and we are allowing them to interpret something we haven't even said. And when we do this, we know we are giving up our power and we know that these individuals will jump to conclusions and allow themselves to suffer, all while we have the words that could clear the air. Yet, sometimes we get prideful or scared that our words may just be too damaging to share.
The truth can definitely hurt, but the absence of the truth can be even worse. And as hard as it is to tell the truth or come forward about feelings or confess wrongdoing, it is so important that we do it. And it is so essential that when we do break the silence, we do it at the right time and with the right words. And we will mess up and we will hurt people, but we will learn and we can do better.
Make sure your words are thought out and make sure they will do good. Allow for silence, but know when to break it. It's not an exact science, it's more of an art, or even magic, that we have not yet mastered. And we just have to keeping trying.
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